Friday, March 31, 2006

Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay

今天晚上朋友來家中聚會, 閒談中一位建築師朋友無意間發現了冰箱上的一個小磁鐵, 是我們最近拜訪過的 Sundial Bridge (日晷橋), 也開始了大家對這座美麗如雕塑般的吊橋和設計者 Santiago Calatrava 這位當代建築大師的討論. (作品包括 2004 年雅典奧運的 Velodrome 和即將在 2009 年落成, 位於紐約世貿原址的複合式車站)

Sundial Bridge 所在的 Redding 是北加州的一個小鎮, 但是從 July 4, 2004 起, 它因為這座橋而變的很不平凡, 也吸引了我們千里迢迢的由舊金山開了 240 Mile (相當於從台北到屏東的距離), 為了只是想要親眼目睹這個由西班牙著名建築師 Santiago Calatrava 展現極緻建築工藝的 Masterpiece.

橫跨在盛產鮭魚及盛行 Flyfishing 的 Sacremanto River 上的Sundial Bridge , 當初設計建造時, 因為顧慮到不妨礙鮭魚的棲息及迴流, 但又為要讓當地居民能夠更容易的親近橋另一邊的許多 Hiking Trails 和自然風光, 所以決定要設計一個供步行者使用的吊橋.

民風保守淳樸的小鎮居民不斷的對這個長相前衛的橋發出疑慮, 而為了完成這個如夢幻的草圖而必須克服的工程難度, 更讓建築的人員懷疑著它的可行性, 整座橋建在 115 噸的鋼鐵和1900 立方呎水泥的基座上, 以 4300 呎的鋼纜支撐, 花了 200 噸的玻璃及大理石, 克服了層層困難, 才完成了這個造價達 2300 萬美元的步行橋, 其中, 橋面主體的結構更是一大片一大片的由華盛頓州經過長途跋涉, 沿路警車開道運送過來的, 而 Calatrava 對自己作品如同藝術家般一絲不茍的要求, 也曾讓建築團隊一片片的把玻璃拆下換上新的, 為的只是因為之前玻璃的顏色遇光時反射出的顏色無法傳達出如河水般的清澄透徹.

抵達 Sundial Bridge 時約下午三點了, 正好趕上它一天中可以正確指示時間的短短四小時 (11 am -3pm). 橋面上的人熙熙攘攘, 大家似都刻意放慢腳步, 享受著踩踏在這個藝術品上的每分每秒, 也很努力的希望找到最好的角度, 捕捉到橋 vs 湛藍的天空 vs 午後陽光間奇妙的光影變化 (真的, 非常難照到全景歐~)

我們漫步過橋後, 在橋墩附近不禁逗留了許久, 看著河裡穿著全副裝備, 如同電影"大河戀" 般無視週遭嘈雜觀光客, 不停把的釣魚竿甩出優美拋物線的 fly fishers, 我們的肚子卻也很沒氣質的嚷嚷了起來...餓...

回到車上我們掙扎了一會, 囫圇吞下幾個帶來的綠豆凸, 決定要撐到日落來看看晚上的景緻, 這時當然要來點熱咖啡囉~ 天氣也變冷了呢! 走到橋邊的玻璃咖啡屋點了兩杯 Latte, 我們捧著熱呼呼的咖啡, 跑到旁邊的 Turtle Bay Museum 等待日落, 這實在是個適合小孩子來的地方, 也就是說我們是純殺時間...

天色漸漸暗下來了, 燈光穿透過玻璃照射出像是冰磚的感覺, 日晷的頂端也亮著紅燈一閃一閃的, 應該是因為太高了吧! 這時才驚覺整天仰著頭看下來, 脖子還艇酸的呢!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Entertainment of the Week...^_^

Why Yelling At a Man Doesn't Work ****

What a woman says:
"This place is a mess! Jeff,
You and I need to clean up,
Your stuff is lying on the floor
and you'll have no clothes to wear
if we don't do laundry right now!"

What a man hears:
blah, blah, blah, blah, Jeff
blah, blah, blah, blah, YOU AND I
blah, blah, blah, blah, ON THE FLOOR
blah, blah, blah, blah, NO CLOTHES
blah, blah, blah, blah, RIGHT NOW

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The story about two photo frames - - handcrafted

我們家廚房的 Countertop 上, 有兩個長相特殊, 其貌不揚的相框, 但我們總是把他們放在最顯眼的地方. Here is the story about where they came from:

Petroglyph 是個可以讓一家大小充分發揮創意, 彩繪陶瓷的地方, 之前和希瑾及其他幾位朋友來玩過, 去年的七夕情人節, 我們在 Los Gatos Downtown 閒逛了一會後, 決定要以不同的方式來慶祝, 即互相幫對方作個禮物, 以免我又收到猴子最愛的"兩串蕉"...

在櫃檯登記後我們找了張桌子坐下, 就開始在旁邊的架子上尋找我們的"畫板"-- 一個個燒好留白的各種器皿, 小至胡椒罐, 大如花瓶, 碗盤杯壺...因為對自己實在沒啥信心, 所以我們決定各選一個相框開始作畫.

店員簡單的教我們一些簡單的技法後便放牛吃草, 招呼旁邊辣妹的 Bridal Shower 去了, Jeff 則開始四處遊蕩, 美其名是在尋找創意, 是的, 藝術家都要有靈感才能創作說...^_^

時間一分分過去, 我也反覆把原來的想法塗塗抹抹了好幾次, 當然, 之前店員說的全忘了, 看著鄰桌爸爸帶著小孩的溫馨歡樂畫面, 而我們這桌卻有個在店裡亂逛並不時如老夫子般偷瞄別人的閒雜人等, 和另一個來回塗抹拼命浪費顏料的無聊女子...

"Okay, 從現在起你不準離開桌子, 我也不再全部重來了" 眼看晚飯時間就快到了, 我們的相框上卻還是空蕩蕩的, 所以只好給自己下了通牒. 這招果然有用, 我們一股作氣的居然也完成了大作, Jeff 畫了像猴子也像長了落腮鬍的盜匪的自畫像, 我也畫了一隻貓咪快樂的在楓樹葉間奔跑 (我是秋天生的). 好不容易的完成了, 我們也滿手彩污, 有點汗顏的將我們的抽象畫相框交給店員上釉和固色.

期待已久的兩星期終於到了, 我們也滿心歡喜的再次回到店裡領回我們的完成品, heheheee...還蠻可愛的ㄝ...

37 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

On the fairway and In the rough....

I started playing golf after moving to the bay area in 2000. The idea of walking and chatting with good friends through 18 holes in a sunny weekend morning attracted me to this game.

On the surface, golf seems to be very straight forward. You hit the small white ball and try to get the ball into a small cup on the green. The reality is it requires smooth swing, balance, and control. And all of these involve disciplines of consistently allowing golf clubs to drive the ball (not your power) and the abilities of managing miss shots and controlling emotions. Isn't it challenging? I guess i need to spend my whole life practicing this art of game...^_^

No wonder someone once said that "eighteen holes of golf is a perfect microcosm of life on earth - a series of small decisions, each affecting the next. A few great shots and we feel invincible, on top of the world. Then one miss-hit later, we're knee deep in the rough, wondering how we're ever going to recover".

I cannot agree more....

Monday, March 27, 2006

"Tears for Fears" Concert in Robert Mondavi Winery

一回家又聽見我們家的老人 Jeff 在聽著 80 年代 "Tears for Fears" 的懷念金曲 "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", 不禁想起去年夏天在滿天星空下的 Rober Mondavi Winery 聽 Tears for Fears 演唱會的難忘經驗.

Jeff 一直是 80's Music 的 Big Fan, 收音機中放出的 80 年代(尤其是早期) 的排行金曲, 不管是 Wham!, Tears for Fears, U2...的歌曲, 居然十之有八九都可以唱的琅琅上口呢, 其中他最喜歡的就是 Tears for Fears 了. 於是去年他的生日, 我早早就打聽好 Tear for Fears 正好會到 Napa 酒鄉的著名酒莊 Robert Mondavi Winery 演唱, 預定了兩張票給他一個驚喜 (心痛$$$).

演唱會當天,天氣實在太好了, 所以我們找了幾家附近的酒莊先行晃晃, 也得意的準備好了我們的野餐盒, 在 5 點左右就先進了酒莊, 沒想到大部分的人早就到了, 許許多多的老美身上只穿著海灘褲和比基尼, 就地做起了日光浴來, 大家的家俬實在都好齊全, 連海灘傘, 躺椅和露營桌椅餐具桌布都擺出來, 更別提像從 Williams-Sonoma 還是 Pottery Barn 型錄中搬出來的精緻野餐提籃和餐具了. 我們也不遑多讓, 找了個適當的位置, 馬上不知自慚形穢的亮出了我們的陣仗來, 但坐了一會就快被 Napa 酒鄉的艷陽熱昏, 算算時間也該餓了, 所以兩隻小野貓就提起了我們的野餐"袋", 找個較陰涼的角落開始享用我們的壽司便當, 這可是我們今天最正確的決定了, 涼涼的 sushi 真的最適合夏天野餐的, 也讓旁邊的老美們羨慕起來, 還跑來問我們是在哪買的, heee...總算扳回一點面子...

天氣實在很熱, 連雕像都被頑皮的觀眾圍上了比基尼, 我們吃飽了就隨處在酒莊中逛逛, 不時躲進唯一有空調的 Wine Shop 中納涼一下. 說起 Robert Mondavi, 他可是加州葡萄酒歷史中響鐺鐺的人物, 更有人將之譽為是美國葡萄酒壇的教父, 他的魅力甚至吸引了梅鐸一級酒莊 Chateau Mouton Rothschild 的莊主Baron Philippe de Rothschild 男爵,遠道由歐洲跑到加州跟他合作,釀成美國第一代 Cult Wine 的始祖 Opus One. 而 Robert Mondavi Winery 每年夏天更藉著邀請世界各領域的著名音樂人共襄盛舉的舉辦露天音樂季 SummerFest, 好好的大力推廣加州的美食與美酒, 馬友友也來過歐~

七點半時天色終於漸漸暗了下來 (北加州要晚上九點左右才完全天黑), 暖場的樂團也開始努力的賣唱起來, 真的, 怪不得他們是暖場的, 還真...的蠻難聽的, 可能是主辦人的朋友吧... 居然還唱了將近一個鐘頭...很難熬說.

天色終於幾乎全暗了, 舞台上的聚光燈也全亮了起來, 終於, Tear for Fears 登場了!!! 隨著一曲曲 "Woman in Chain", "Everybody Wants to Rule the World", 以及他們復出後新專輯中的曲子, 大家都開心的跟著唱和, 忘情的隨之輕舞著 (除了我們前面狂舞的爆爆頭女子), 頂著頭上滿天的星空, 在 360 度圍繞著我們的葡萄園中欣賞著這麼棒的演唱會, 頓時覺得住在北加州真的是幸福呢! 不知不覺的 Tears for Fears 就唱了兩個鐘頭, 演唱會也接近了尾聲, 在我們努力的呼喚下, 他們也不負眾望, 獻唱了大家期待已久的 "Shout". 曲終人散, 我們也踏著皎潔的月光滿足的踏上歸途.

SummerFest 自 1969 年以來, 每年都在美國的國慶日 4th of July 由來自紐奧良最著名的 Preservation Hall Jazz Band 搭配燦爛的煙火揭開序幕, 今年的夏日音樂季SummerFest 將於 4 月 12 日開始售票, 有機會別錯過了歐!

Robert Mondavi Winery Highway 29, Oakville, CA 94562

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Happy 5th Anniversary to Us!!!

" have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part"

今天, 3 月 26 日, 是 Jeff 和我在美國結婚 5 週年歐! (p.s. 我們在台灣也結了一次, 所以一年要過兩次週年, heee...)

早上特別翻箱倒櫃的找出了我們在 San Francisco City Hall 結婚的 VCD, 想要重溫一下當時的情景. 想我們 2001 年在 3 月 26 日結婚, 一方面是因為朋友找我們兩個當她們結婚登記的證人, 也因為我們正想要找時間到市府公證一下, 所以也就趁機兩對一起結婚, 還可以互當證人, 省了跑兩趟市政府的麻煩.

幾個星期前我們就分頭打電話預約, 當天早上還照常到公司上班, 下午就到 Safeway 超市買了兩束小花, 四個人就約在 City Hall 舊金山市政府前碰面, 真有點像相約去看電影的感覺.

生平第一次踏進這個才剛修護完成, 恢復金碧輝煌的市政府, 四個人都像是無頭蒼蠅般的亂鑽, 也四處像是觀光客般的張望著, 好不容易我們終於找到了婚姻登記處, 手忙腳亂的填好了結婚證書申請表, 也繳了費用, 這時有位像是老奶奶的法官問我們, 希望到法庭公證, 還是要去 City Hall 的半圓頂 (Dome)下面公證呢? 如同觀光客般的我們, 當然是選擇 Dome 了, 還有導遊帶, 趁機還可以遊覽一下市政府呢! :)

法官告訴我們, 原來她是已經退休的前任法官, 現在是回來市府當義工, 已經好幾年了. 跟著熟門熟路的老法官乘上電梯抵達了半圓頂, 是個蠻挑高, 很有氣勢的建築,而且蠻隱密的. 她指引我們兩個站在半圓頂下地上圓形圖案的中心, 一步步的帶領著我們唸誓詞和交換戒指. 雖然之前也常在電影電視中看過聽過結婚誓辭, 但是一句句認真的跟著法官覆誦時, 還是感動的掉下眼淚來...感動的不只是因為誓辭本身, 更因為在我們一字一句唸的中間, 也深深的覺得結婚真的是一個很大的 Commitment, 種種的喜怒哀樂我們也願意彼此承諾, 同心分享, 扶持與體諒.

今晚送走了來家中 Party 的眾多好友們, 將前一分鐘的歡鬧情景收拾起來, 恢復到平時溫馨恬靜的兩人世界後, Jeff 和我攤坐在 Breakfast Nook 的高腳椅上, 相視啜飲著還未喝完的紅酒. 嗯~~~ 結婚真好! Happy Anniversary to Us!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Finding Tule Elk....

A Wonderful Day Trip to Tomales Bay & Petaluma

聽說在 Tomales Point 有一片保留區專門養殖著曾經一度絕種的 Tule Elk 澤地麋鹿.這種鹿原產於加州中部,在十九世紀中期曾有50萬頭之多, 但因西班牙和墨西哥人的濫捕, 於1870年時在加州幾乎已絕跡了, 如今已繁殖到3200頭之多了. 在規劃了幾天後我們要出發去尋找這種大角麋鹿囉~

梳洗完畢Jeff 和我就上路直奔今天的第一站, 舊金山以北 32 Mile, 擁有許多維多利亞式建築的小鎮 Petaluma. 飢腸轆轆的我們在瞎逛了一會後, 鎖定了今天早餐的目標--TEA Room Cafe.

完美的一天從美味的早餐開始, 與其他早起的鳥兒一起排著長長的隊, 我們在點餐後幸運的找到了一個灑著暖暖陽光的露天咖啡座. 翻閱著前面的人留下來的當地小報, 我們滿足又悠閒的享受著熱騰騰的 Omelete 及香香脆脆的烤土司, 抹上厚厚一層帶著果粒和籽籽的新鮮草莓醬, 平凡的搭配居然有著令人感動的美味呢! (會不會太誇張了...聽起來好像是 Iron Chef 的評語說) 難怪之前看店裡的常客們只簡簡單單的點了一大籃烤吐司配咖啡和柳橙汁, 圍著窗邊的圓桌說說笑笑的邊搶食著呢!

經過了 Point Reyes, 我們沿著蜿蜒在廣大牧場間小路向著太平洋開, 我們一邊懷疑著GPS 的可靠性, 一邊興奮的數著旁邊牛...羊...馬...居然還有在路上亂跑的雞... 藍藍的天和綠油油點綴著大片小黃花的牧場草原中, 覺得我們彷彿身處在汽車廣告中一般, 終於來到了以簡單木板釘成的Tomales Point 保留區入口. 海邊的天氣有點霧霧的, 真不知道麋鹿會不會出來給我們看說...

在問了公園巡警Elk 的出沒地點後, 循著美麗的太平洋海岸走了約二十分鐘, 來到了最好的觀鹿點-- White Gulch (白峽谷). 我們和其他的旅人們一邊遠遠的欣賞著好幾群沿著山區, 傍著池塘或站著守望或低頭吃喝或可能是吃太飽發呆中的 Tule Elk, 一邊把玩著巡警帶來供展示用的大鹿角.

既然我們到了 Point Reyes, 當然不能錯過 Oyster 了, 其中當地人最推薦的就是位於海港小鎮 Marshall 的 Tony's Seafood. 這個從 1948 年創店以來已經傳承兩代的 Family Style 餐館, 店主 John, Anton 以及老老的 Waitress Nancy 人都超親切的. 當我們的 Appetiser 肥碩的4個現烤特大牡蠣端上桌來時, 我們簡直不敢相信這樣的美食居然只要 US$3, 價廉物又超美的程度讓我們馬上又再追加了一個 Order.

快快樂樂的我們又毫不眨眼的點了以當日捕到海鮮烹製的 Cioppino (義大利海鮮燉湯)和海鮮麵, 卻在大快朵頤吃到一半時驚訝的發現了 "Cash Only" 的字樣, 兩隻平常都不帶現金出來玩的小野貓頓時面面相覷, 連忙開始翻著我們的皮夾...一旁面帶和藹微笑的店主立即適時展現了小鎮男兒的熱忱 (也應該是見多了我們這種出門不帶現金的城市鄉巴佬吧...), 親切的告訴我們別擔心, 很多來附近 B&B 度假的客人也這樣, 只要回去後把支票寄回來就可以了.

最後, 我們還是有驚無險的湊足了錢, 只是這次要錯過他們著名的 Homemade Cheesecake 了, 帶著空空的錢包和滿滿的胃囊, 我們踏上了歸途. 下次, 還有大家, 一定要記得出門要帶現金歐!

Tea Room Cafe -- 316 Western Avenue, Petaluma, CA 94952
Tony's Seafood -- 18663 Highway #1, Marshall, CA 94940

Friday, March 24, 2006

Entertainment of the Week....^_^

Effective Immediately

MEMO: To All Employees

In order to assure the highest levels of quality work and productivity from employees, it will be our policy to keep all employees well trained through our program of SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (S.H.I.T.).

We are trying to give our employees more S.H.I.T. than anyone else. If you feel that you do not receive your share of S.H.I.T. on the job, please see your manager. You will be immediately placed at the top of the S.H.I.T. list, and our managers are especially skilled at seeing that you get all the S.H.I.T. you can handle.

Employees who don't take their S.H.I.T. will be placed in DEPARTMENTAL EMPLOYEE EVALUATION PROGRAMS (D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T.). Those who fail to take D.E.E.P. S.H.I.T. seriously will have to go to EMPLOYEE ATTITUDE TRAINING (E.A.T. S.H.I.T.).

Since our managers took S.H.I.T. before they were promoted, they don't have to do S.H.I.T. anymore, because they are all full of S.H.I.T. already. If you are full of S.H.I.T., you may be interested in a job training others.

We can add your name to our BASIC UNDERSTANDING LECTURE LIST (B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T.). Those who are full of B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T. will get the S.H.I.T. jobs, and shall apply for promotion to DIRECTOR OF INTENSITY PROGRAMMING (D.I.P. S.H.I.T.).

If you have further questions, please direct them to our HEAD OF TRAINING, SPECIAL HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING (H.O.T. S.H.I.T.).

Thank you,


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Long commute might not be a bad thing, sometimes..

由於公司在 San Jose, 每天上班下班都要開將近一小時的車, 伴隨我的常常是灣區的各個電台. 早上上班時間 Alice FM 97.3 Sarah & No Name 的有趣對話和針對當前時事或是議題 (通常都比較是非政治的議題)常常不自覺的就讓我一路笑到公司, 回家路上則多半是 All News AM740 的新聞和路況來陪伴歸心似箭的我. 星期五時會特別想聽 FM91.1 Jazz Oasis 或是 FM 103.7 Smooth Jazz, 週末夜晚時則多半是 Energy FM92.7 的 Party Music... 配合不同的心情或時間聽不同的電台, 感覺上塞車也比較沒有那麼難熬了, 也常常聽到一些很有意思的話題和音樂讓我一到家就迫不及待的與 Jeff 分享.

有次 Sarah & No Name 無厘頭的瞎起鬨, 讓 Call in 的聽眾玩起 Kuso 的遊戲, 用力的按喇叭, 如果有人回應就算聽眾贏了, 結果好幾個人嚐試都鍛羽而歸, 可是巧的是我附近居然有個女駕駛突然大鳴喇叭, 不知道是不是參賽者其中之一. 但是可能因為美國的高速公路按喇叭實在是太 Embaressing 的事情, 實在沒有勇氣與她回應, 我想其他的聽眾也應該是這樣的心理吧! (Sarah & No Name 號稱灣區晨間電台節目的收聽率冠軍).

有回在 FM88.5 NPR 的 All Things Considered 中介紹了一個來自挪威的二重唱"Kings of Convinience"的音樂, 像空氣般清新的曲風充滿了幸福感, 讓我努力記得他們冗長的團名和充滿詩意的專輯名稱"Riot on am Empty Street", 一回家就瘋狂的搜尋生怕過幾個小時我就會忘記 => 然後想不起來錯過了這麼美好的音樂就太可惜了.

大家有空可以去聽聽歐! 強力推薦 Misread, Know How 和 The Build-Up. 對了, 聽說 KOC 最近在亞洲日本和新加坡等地巡演, 不知道會不會到台灣呢?

p.s. 專輯中的客串女聲叫 Feist, 是最近蠻紅的加拿大女歌手(不是封面上的那位), 去年也發了新專輯呢!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"First" Five Year Anniversary approaching.....

First? Yes, my friends. Angie and I got married "twice" 5 years ago (one in San Francisco City Hall on 3/26 and another in Taipei Far Eastern Plaza Hotel on 6/2). So if you know women well and want to have another 5 year anniversary in the future, you should prepare for two anniversaries....^_^ Time really flies. Here is the top 10 list for your reference if you are not married yet (p.s. this list doesn't represent my position whatsoever. Especially number 6 as i am a happy loyal married man...hehe)
  1. Getting married is like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, then when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that.
  2. At the cocktail party, one woman said to another,"Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" The other replied, "Yes, I am. I married the wrong man."
  3. Before a man is married, he is incomplete. Then when he is married, he is finished.
  4. A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" And the father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying for it."
  5. Young son : "Is it true, Dad, I heard that in some parts of Africa, a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?" Dad : "That happens in most countries son."
  6. When a newly married man looks happy, we know why. But when a ten-year married man looks happy, we wonderwhy. Affair ?
  7. Married life is very frustrating. In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbours listen.
  8. A man inserted an 'ad' in the classified : "Wife wanted". The next day, he received hundreds letters.They all said the same thing "You can have mine."
  9. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife,you can be sure of one thing : either the car is new or his wife is new.
  10. A woman was telling her friend : "It is I who made my husband a millionaire." "And what was he before you married him?" the friend asked. The woman replied,"A multimillionaire."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The End of My March Madness..

Hail to the Orange,
Hail to the Blue,
Hail Alma Mater,
Ever so true (so true).
We love no other,
so let our motto be Victory,

Illinois, Varsity! (Listen)

This is the University of Illinois alma mater. It is such a simple song that every student and alumni can sing. As thousands of students, alumni, and fans sing the alma mater during the halftime of every Illini game, the Chief Illiniwek dances (see vedio) and stands at the center of the field with his arms extended towards the sky. This celebrated tradition known as "Three-in-One" has been performed for nearly 75 years. In Taiwan, we don't seem to have this kind of long lasting relationship with school. If you don't agree, can you sing your school alma mater? (^_^)

You must be wondering why i am still so involved in college ball game after graduating from Illinois for more than 6 years. Of course it is related to the gender. Usually men have one additional DNA - Sports - compared to women. (Angie might be an exception. How luck i am to have my wife watch ball game with me). But most importantly, it is related to the unique traditions that i have experienced in Illinois. I still remember the first Illini ball game Angie and I went to. I was fascinated by the full house of crowds dressing up in Orange (our school color) and singing the alma mater together. These traditions really become common memories that all students and alumni share.

Back to the March Madness...

"A Season to Remember" perfectly describes Illini's amazing journey last year, as Illini made to the final championship game the first time in Illinois's 100 year men’s basketball history. What a great season! This acomplishment sets a high expectation for Illini fans like me coming to the tournament, but I do realize the challenge to repeat what Illini has done last year.

However, Washington's stunning 67-64 win over Illinois in the second round of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament shocked me and ended my March madness this year. With 36 seconds left in the game and Illini chased by 2, I prayed for another come back as we did last year. Well...You know what happened! Sometimes you wonder why we can't have both teams win, so nobody leaves the game heart broken.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

今天上班時同事們居然都迫不及待的互相問著, 上週五回家時妳有沒看見天邊的兩道彩虹呢?

最巧的是, 上週五正好是 St. Patrick's Day (St. Patrick 是愛爾蘭的守護神), 所以發現大家多多少少都穿戴了一些綠色或是幸運草圖案之類的東西在身上, 而 St Patrick's 也常與看守金子的小矮人 (Leprechauns) 的故事連在一起, 而據說 Leprechauns 都把一壺壺金子藏在彩虹的盡頭. 太可惜當時彩虹只出現了一會就消失了, 不然還真有點衝動想去彩虹的盡頭巴結一下 Leprechauns 呢! 而美國人在這天穿戴綠色或幸運草圖案的東西, 也像中國人在農曆新年穿紅色的衣物一樣, 多多少少都有這沾沾喜氣的意味歐!

PS. 好開心大家收到我們的email 後回信如雪片般飛來, 也捎來了久久未 Update 的信息, 讓我們這兩隻流落異鄉相依為命的小野貓深深體認到, 真是人間處處有溫暖, 朋友永遠都是老的比較好呢! (^__^)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday Brunch at Riverie Cafe in San Francisco

經過了幾個禮拜的陰雨連綿, 星期五回家的路上赫然看見了兩道橫跨天際的巨大彩虹 (超美的, 可惜沒帶相機...), 久未露面的太陽也終於露臉了, 昭告這個週末將是美麗的晴天呢!

每逢晴朗的假日, 我們總是一大早就起身直奔那些藏身在舊金山小街上或住宅區裡的精緻小店, 慰勞我們平時因工作而休兵的美食味蕾, 也是 The Best Way to Kick-off the Weekend!

每當走進 Reverie Cafe 這個由外觀看起來毫不起眼街角咖啡店, 所有的感官就不自覺的忙碌起來了: 耳朵貪婪的聽著不時播放著 Chet Backer 的 Jazz, 我們的鼻子也同時被撲鼻而來的食物和咖啡香氣籠罩著, 眼睛更是迫不及待的搜尋著黑板上粉筆寫著的 Menu 看看今天有什麼好吃好喝的.

Jeff 的最愛是店裡的 Foccasia Sandwitch. 不管是 Portobello Mushroom, Chicken Breast 或是 NY Steak Sandwitch 都是超好吃歐! 我的最愛則是 Shrimp & Asparagus Piadina (Note: Piadina 是一種義大利式可以折起來吃的薄片麵餅, 狀似 Pizza 但比薄片 Pizza 的餅皮稍軟), 香香的現甩麵皮配上清爽可口的蝦仁, 蘆筍及 Swiss Cheese, 讓人齒頰留香, 久久無法忘懷呢! 當然每次我們都不會忘記點一杯以濃濃奶泡及香醇的 Expresso 畫出美麗大理石心型圖案的 Rosetta Latte (see photo).

店裡的後院佈置的如同自宅般的平易近人, 綠意盎然的庭園造景及古樸的原木 Deck, 讓我們想抄回家當後院翻修的範本, 隔壁座位上看似附近居民的客人興高采烈的與家人朋友談天說地, Reverie Cafe 就是這樣的一家 Neighborhood Cafe, 沒有衣著光鮮亮麗的雅痞裝模作樣的高談闊論, 也沒有按圖索驥的觀光客四處尋找地標照相留念, 有的只是實實在在的美食咖啡以及隨處洋溢的溫馨氣息.

坐在露天的座位上, 翻閱著報紙或是店內小書架上隨手拿來的小說或雜誌, Jeff 和我最愛這樣子享受著北加州溫柔和喣的陽光, 悠閒無壓的展開我們週末的出遊行程.

Reverie Cafe @ Cole Valley
848 Cole St., San Francisco, CA (415) 242-0200

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Opening Announcement: Bayside Village Diary

How exciting!

Angie and I are writing our first blog to share our life with all friends like you. Okay. Why do we name it "Bayside Village Diary"?

It all started in the summer of year 2000 when the dot coms were the center of every topic, especially in the silicon valley. Like gold rush, young talents flooded to the bay area hoping to be the next millionaire. Sure, I want to be one of the 49ers. With decent relocation package, I settled in a nice bayside apartment complex with my lovely girlfriend then (now my wife). Its name is "Bayside Village" where we had lots of great memories.

All the stories start here....Stay tuned.

---村長 Jeff 及夫人 Angie (aka 地下村長), 誠摯邀請各位大大有空常來村裡翻翻這本{村民日誌}, 泡茶聊天歐---